Automatic Hand Wash System

An automatic hand wash dispenser built with Arduino, ultrasonic sensor, and a water pump serves the purpose of providing a touchless and hygienic solution for dispensing soap or sanitizer when users place their hands under the dispenser. Here are the key aspects of its purpose:

Touchless Operation: The primary purpose of the automatic hand wash dispenser is to eliminate the need for physical contact with the dispenser, reducing the risk of cross-contamination and promoting better hygiene. Users can trigger the dispensing process by placing their hands within the range of the ultrasonic sensor.

Ultrasonic Sensor Technology: The ultrasonic sensor is a crucial component that detects the presence of hands beneath the dispenser. When hands are detected, the Arduino microcontroller activates the water pump and dispenses the appropriate amount of soap or sanitizer without requiring any manual interaction.

Hygienic Dispensing: The dispenser aims to enhance hygiene by providing a controlled and measured amount of soap or sanitizer, preventing wastage and ensuring that users receive an adequate amount for effective hand cleaning.

Arduino Control: The use of an Arduino microcontroller allows for precise control over the dispensing process. Programmed algorithms can determine the duration and amount of soap or sanitizer dispensed, providing a consistent and reliable user experience.

Water Pump Functionality: The water pump is a key element responsible for drawing and dispensing the liquid soap or sanitizer. Its purpose is to deliver the cleaning agent in a controlled manner in response to the signal from the ultrasonic sensor.

Energy Efficiency: Arduino-based systems can be designed to operate efficiently, conserving energy when the dispenser is not in active use. This contributes to sustainability and reduces the overall operational cost.

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