Propeller Led Pendulum Clock

I surf in hobby project website from their I got an idea of this project that is propeller LED pendulum clock then I start implementing . The main objective was to obtain a visible analog and digital display using high speed rotating LED in a vertical direction it consumes less space,less electricity etc. With this I have made its remote also but we can control it from laptop also.
Materials used
Arduino nano=1
Red Leds=8
Yellow Leds=3
Blue Leds=1
270 ohm resistors=17
2.2 ohm resistors=2
100 ohm resistor=1
VS1838B 38Khz IR sensor=1
WSH/W130 Hall sensor=1
15 pin female header connectors=1
4 Male header connectors= 1
3.7V Battery=1
On off switch=1
DC motor Pulley=2
Simple electric wires
100 uf capacitor
Source Code:
// hobbyprojects // 27-05-2020 Propeller_LED_Pendulum_Clock.ino char ch; int sensorPin = 2; unsigned int i,n,c,nc,k,d,y,bn,mp,m = 0; float dl; unsigned long timecurr,timeold,previousTime = 0; int hours = 12; int minutes = 15; int seconds = 00; uint16_t timer_count_A=0; byte number,t,a,temp,data = 0; int val; const PROGMEM unsigned char data1[]={0x3e,0x22,0x22,0x3e,0x00,0x12,0x3e,0x02,0x2e,0x2a,0x2a,0x3a,0x2a,0x2a,0x2a,0x3e,0x38,0x08,0x08,0x3e,0x3a,0x2a,0x2a,0x2e,0x3e,0x2a,0x2a,0x2e,0x20,0x26,0x28,0x30,0x3e,0x2a,0x2a,0x3e,0x3a,0x2a,0x2a,0x3e,0x64,0x63,0x62,0x61,0x60,0x5F,0x5E,0x5D,0x5C,0x5B,0x5A,0x59,0x58,0x57,0x56,0x55,0x54,0x53,0x52,0x51,0X51,0x52,0x53,0x54,0x55,0x56,0x57,0x58,0x59,0x5A,0x5B,0x5C,0x5D,0x5E,0x5F,0x60,0x61,0x62,0x63,0x64,0x10,0x38,0x10,0x10,0x38,0x38,0x7c,0x7F,0x7f,0x7F,0x7c,0x38,0x38,0x10,0x10,0x38,0x10,0x04,0x0e,0x1f,0x0e,0x04,0x3e,0x08,0x08,0x3e,0x00,0x00,0x1c,0x22,0x22,0x1c,0x00,0x00,0x3e,0x2a,0x2a,0x14,0x00,0x00,0x3e,0x2a,0x2a,0x14,0x00,0x20,0x10,0x0e,0x10,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x3e,0x28,0x

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